Implementing a Social Media Policy
Globally, interest and participation in social media is growing at an ever-increasing rate as more and more people connect online via various social media platforms. This interest also extends to organisations, who are recognising that social media offers new opportunities to engage customers, clients, targeted communities and the public in conversations and brand awareness initiatives to help grow and develop their brands and services.
But as events highlighted recently in the media have shown, unguided or irresponsible social media usage can have vast ramifications for organisations that do not have effective policies in place.
With the rapid growth and application of social media, businesses need to have a policy in place that ensures employees who use social media (either as part of their job or in a personal capacity), have guidance as to the company’s expectations of their behaviour and communication online. This is particularly important around social media usage regarding the organisation, its people, partners, products or services, competitors or other individuals and organisations related to the organisation.
Why Social Media Policy is Important for Your Business
A social media policy can be an organisation’s first line of defence in mitigating risk for both the employer and the employee. A well-written social media policy can:
By providing clear guidelines and parameters to your employees, you will be able to ensure that your organisation’s brand is enhanced and that your reputation is not inadvertently damaged by comments placed online by an employee.
For information about how we can assist you in creating a social media policy for your organisation please email us at