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Social Media Training Programs

At the Social Media Engagement Co.   we offer a large range of social media training courses that are tailor made to the needs of all levels of social media expertise. We develop and carry out training using a mixture of presentations, videos, case studies, best practice examples, scenario-based elements and discussions.  We believe training carried out in this way ensures key messages are understood and retained, and that the trainees are ready to incorporate elements of the training on a practical level into their everyday working environment.

Our highly practical and creative social media training sessions cover all aspects of social media marketing. Our training programs offer participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in social media and get answers to any questions they may have. What you get is training from people who have actively been involved in Social Media and have been involved in hands-on roles.

Our training programs are segmented into beginners, intermediate and advanced levels, and cover a wide range of social media areas, so there is guarantee there will be a course that will fit your exact level and needs.

Our training programs are also unique in the fact that we cap the numbers of participants for each training session to no more than 10 participants. This allows for more one-on-on training time, and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to ask questions and gain feedback.

We also offer Boot Camp Training programs, Master Classes with exclusive added value one-on-one services that adds value to the participants and helps relate the training to their real world work environment. 

We also have established the exclusive Social Round Table Group, which is available to Senior Marketing Professionals across all industries.

If you are interest in particpating in one of our training programs, or would like us to contact you about a specific company created program, please click here.

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