A lot of businesses have a presence on social media but very few have taken this opportunity seriously. There are even a greater number of businesses that still see Social Media as a fad, or are unable to grasp the opportunity due to either a lack of understanding or fear about someone posting a complaint on their social channel site.
2013 will be a defining year as we see the social channels continue to grow and evolve. For businesses, governments, charities and educators, 2013 is the year of engagement. The consumer is now front and centre and controls what information he/she wants to receive from their brand communities. They are the ones that give you and your brand permission to interact with them. It’s no longer a one way street in terms of communication, where traditional marketing has been used over the years. 2013 is the year of engagement; it’s the time for brands to interact with their community / tribe members, understand more about your brand from them and get them talking about your brand. The organisations that get this will see their brands outpace their competitors, especially the ones that still don’t see social media as a channel to participate in.
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